This is my collection of 1” strips sorted into Ziploc bags, by colour.
Does that give you the impression that I am a really organised person?
Well, I guess it would be rude to shatter your illusions then.
While we’re are on the subject of 1” strips, I have been plugging away with my second doll quilt for DQS7. I know I’m daft as a brush for making 2 but I wanted to try this to see how it looked and I actually think that this is going to suit my partner way more than the first.
Even though this quilt it little, it’s sucked up hours and hours of time. I did also try a couple of options out before settling on this and that took some extra time but I guess that’s also the downside of being mad enough to opt for chopping fabric into 1” strips and then sewing them back together!
Saying that though, I absolutely love the end results and it was absolutely worth the time it has taken. I could do a lil jig I like it that much!!!