The whole of last weekend was taken up with dolls and have had a ton of stuff that I HAD to get done! I cleared them all out of the way so that i could get on with the latest blocks for the Bee. I had so much fun doing them that i have had to resist the call of the Bee until i got finished with everything else.
The first one is a wonky star.
I am hooked on wonky stars and am now desperate to make a whole quilt of them as I seem to be spending a lot of time drooling over them on Flickr. This one is drool worthy, as is this, and this, and this and these. In fact i could go on forever linking to them.
The second block was going to be a Goose in the Pond block but I shuffled the blocks around a bit and liked it better. Well, i would have liked it better had i have sewn it together properly!!
Notice the half square triangles at the bottom? Doh! Actually it's double Doh! as i didn't realise until i uploaded the pic from my camera.
When i've sorted it out it will probably be called something like.....Duck in the lake or Swan in the river or Sparrow in the bird bath, but as it stands it's called Dodo in the water butt!
At least it's reassuring to know how i'll be spending this evening!